“Trefoloni e Associati, an Italian communications and PR agency for food & wine, fashion and brands “Made in Italy,” has expanded its reach all the way to California thanks to its partnership with Manhattan-based PR agency Colangelo & Partners. Colangelo & Partners, a US integrated communications agency, recently opened a new office in San Francisco, California, the second most influential wine market in the United States after Manhattan. The company has worked with institutions such as the Prosecco DOC Consortium, Wines from Spain, and Wines of South Africa… With its long-standing experience in communications for fine wines, food, spirits, and lifestyle brands, the Colangelo & Partners team has not only built a strong relationship with the international press of the industry, but can also lay claim to great competence in working with the industry’s trade. Founded in 2006, Colangelo & Partners was recognized as one of the best integrated communications agencies in 2013 by the Agency Elite Awards and for one of the best digital marketing campaigns in 2014 by the Digital PR Awards.”